Hopebeat Weekly: July 4, 2023

Did you know you can measure how hopeful you are? It’s true! Check it out here with the Children and Adult Snyder Hope Scale.
It is pretty amazing, do you know why? Because if you can measure it, you can keep track of where you are, and learn how to improve it (and teach others!). Getting good at hope is important, as it impacts lifespan, sports performance, engagement at work, scholastic achievement, and more.
What I love about hope most, is that no matter what your current score is, you can get better by practicing skills.
Hope is not fixed. It is a teachable, learnable skill.
When we go through times of change and adversity, our commitment to practice these skills predicts how well we navigate the change. I just moved to Chicago, and moving is a time of great transition, so I am even more diligent about incorporating what I need to do to SHINE hope:
I practice my Stress Skills by meditating everyy morning by the water, where I spend time with my pup Yoda. I breathe in, say positive affirmations, spend time in prayer, and think about everything I am grateful about.
I cultivate Happiness Habits by early morning exercise every day, eating greens every day, ensuring I get enough sleep, singing, and keeping myself open to synchronicities.
I take Inspired Actions through setting both SMART goals and stretch goals. I set some big, audacious goals while also creating some specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound goals to keep a healthy mix. In periods of overwhelm, I chunk down my goals, and commit to one small step.
I work on my Nourishing Network, reaching out to old friends that encourage my dreams and ambitions. I also reach out to new folks, pushing myself out of my comfort zone so I continue to evolve and strengthen my network. And as an introvert, I make sure to take time to connect with my inner self for a healthy balance.
And I Eliminate Challenges along the way, noting when I am too in my head, either worrying and ruminating, and take sensory engagement strolls to get back grounded and present. I focus on what I can control, and work on active surrender.
How do you SHINE Hope? Consider sharing with us on Twitter, Instagram, and/or Facebook. Activating skills for hope takes intention and practice, and we learn best from others. My default mode is not hope, which is why it is so important I activate the skills during this transition.
If you want to learn more about these skills, and how to activate in your life and community, be sure to check out our newly launched website at The Shine Hope Company. And if so inspired, reach out for more. No matter what you are experiencing, I wish you ease and compassion in your process.
Thank you so much!
Keep Shining Hope,
Check out the Hopeful Mindsets Programs
Hopeful Mindsets Overview is a 90-minute video course that introduces hope and the Five Keys to SHINE Hope™ framework to help you create, maintain, and grow hope in your life.

Hopeful Mindsets in the Workplace is a 90-minute video course that introduces hope and the Five Keys to SHINE Hope™ framework to help you create, maintain, and grow hope in the workplace.

Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus is a 10-week course that combines hope science, expert testimonials, and insights from recent college graduates to present the hope skills students need to create, maintain, and grow a hopeful mindset.