We activate cities through our Hopeful Cities programming. We focus on six areas: education, government, science, awareness, art, and the workplace. We do the following:
- License our Hopeful Cities programming (Contact us to find out how)
- Consult on implementation on Hopeful Cities Playbook
- Train staff and agencies on the ‘how’ to hope
- License Hopeful Mindsets in the Workplace courses to cities
- Bulk license Hopeful Minds Overview, Hopeful Minds Deep Dive, Hopeful Minds for Teens and Hopeful Minds Parent’s Guides programs for schools
- Bulk license all programming on a per capita basis
In addition to producing positive individual changes, teaching everyone how to hope can lead to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the United Nations. Check out our secondary research on why.

Want to activate your city? Get in touch at activate@theshinehopecompany.com.