Shine HopeFramework

Each of our courses introduce the SHINE Hope framework for various populations. They all include training videos and a coursebook to help understand the what, why, and how of hope. Our overview courses are 90 minute brief courses that introduce you to the what, why, and how of hope.
They include videos from Kathryn Goetzke, our Chief Hope Officer, and they include a coursebook, and brief quiz at the end. These courses are intended as a brief introduction to hope, to give you a general sense of how we teach hope and start you out on your hope journey.
The Hopeful Mindsets Deep Dive courses are more intensive, 10-week courses that allow you to practice skills every week on hope. You learn both from hope, happiness, and mental health experts, and those with ‘lived experience’ for the course topic. For example, our college course features experiences from college students, as they share specific strategies for how they used the SHINE framework during their campus experience.
Hope isn’t something that happens overnight, yet thanks to neuroplasticity it IS possible to rewire our brain. It takes practice, and our deep dive courses aim to provide greater depth and practice exercises not found in the overviews, as well as world-renown experts and those with ‘lived-experience’ with the subject at hand.

Hopeful Mindsets
Hopeful Mindsets™ uses our SHINE Hope framework, based on the work of interdisciplinary experts who specialize in hope, mindset, mental health, stress, positive psychology, business, communications, and more.
Hopeful Mindsets Overview Courses
Hopeful Mindsets Overview courses are 90-minute video introductions to hope, with the what, why, and how of hope.
Hopeful MindsetsDeep Dives
The Hopeful Mindsets Deep Dive courses are 10-week courses, aimed to activate hope on a deeper level.