What We Do

Hope is a strategy (not a wish). Hope plays a vital role in all aspects of life. We are on a mission to measure and teach the ‘how’ to hope around the world, and build a preeminent global consumer health ‘Shine hope’ brand.

sunflower field with blue sky

Hope IS a strategy, not a wish.

the shine hope company group

Why We Do It

Hopelessness is at an all time high and persistent hopelessness is linked to many negative life outcomes. And hopelessness is often a consequence of oppression and discrimination, so learned. The good news is our research has demonstrated that Hope is teachable.

How We Do It

We measure and teach how to grow, sustain, and regenerate Hope. We use workshops, trainings, Hopeful Mindsets courses, employee activations, consumer products, and research to drive all we do. We donate 10% of our revenue to iFred, a 501(c)3 ensuring all children know how to hope, to ensure all children have no cost, evidence-based, globally available resources.
