Hopebeat Weekly: August 29, 2023
Hope Reading List
As we enter September, we are reminded of the World Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and of the pressing need to support emotional well-being of everyone. Hopelessness is the single consistent predictor of suicide, so we must ensure all know what hopelessness is, and ‘how’ to hope. As we have shown, hope is measurable, and teachable.
WebMD did a great job showcasing the importance of hope this week if you want to check out the article here. We’ve also recently got featured on The Optimism Institute’s Blue Sky podcast where we had an opportunity to explore the power of hope.
“Creating Hope Through Action” is the Triennial theme for the World Suicide Prevention day from 2021 to 2023, and at The Shine Hope Company, we are committed to take action in improving lives globally by sharing the what, the why, and the how of hope.

We have some pretty incredible experts in our Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Course, and we encourage all students to read their books below (and if you know a student heading off to college, consider purchasing them this course to get them ready!). They are leading experts in mental health, happiness, and hope, and we are excited to showcase their expertise. Check out these incredible resources:

If you happen to read any of them, please do let us know what you think. Thank you so much for helping us activate hope personally, in your community, and around the world.
Keep Shining Hope,
*Content is created by The Shine Hope Company LLC team of editors. When you buy through links on our newsletter or website, we may earn a commission.
Check out our latest Hope Activations and Press Features:

Is Hopefulness the Key to Better Mental and Physical Health?
Aug. 23, 2023 — The woman arrived for her first therapy session distressed and depressed. Her husband of 20 years had just announced that he was in love with someone else. At 47, she was so upset she had a heart attack and then needed to go on disability from work.

Kathryn Goetzke on the Power of Hope
Following a challenging childhood and the tragic death of her father, Kathryn Goetzke decided that the best way to tackle depression and despair is to create reasons for hope. After studying the issue deeply with experts in psychology, she determined that hope was both teachable and measurable and has made it her life’s work to spread this message.