Hopebeat Weekly: January 29, 2025
Keep Shining, California
Our hearts go out to those affected by the devastating wildfires in California. These moments test our strength, but they also remind us of the importance of resilience and community. Together, we rebuild both our lives and emotional well-being.
Scientists have frequently found a strong connection between hope and one’s ability to cope with natural disasters, as hope promotes mental health, improves the likelihood of community connection, increases resilience, and reduces the risk of developing PTSD.
Finding Hope Through Crisis
As the fires rage on, remember: Hope is not just a feeling—it’s an active, teachable process that can help us navigate even the darkest moments. On Episode 32 of The Hope Matrix Podcast, Kristi Kandel shares her personal journey of how she found hope through hurricanes in Florida, offering insights on how to SHINE during a crisis. Listen to the episode here.
Shine Hope During Crisis: The Five Keys
During times of crisis, it is easy to lose hope and stop doing the things necessary to build hope. Yet it is during times of crisis where it is especially critical to practice skills for hope, as our stress hormones are highly active and left unmanaged overwhelm and lead to illness. Here are actionable tips from the Five Keys to Shine Hope framework that can guide you during this time:
Stress Skills: We manage our fear, anger, and sadness in healthy ways instead of using them to destroy ourselves or others, or give up completely on life. We pray; we meditate; we breathe deeply when overwhelmed. We mourn together; we reach out for support. Find resources for support here.
Happiness Habits: We don’t give up on connecting with others. We work on getting adequate sleep and food to fuel our bodies, to prepare us for rebuilding. We find moments of joy. We give thanks for what remains.
Inspired Actions: We manage our overwhelm by focusing on small steps. We take each obstacle as it comes, breathe deeply, and work on solutions. We build our lives, brick by brick.
Nourishing Networks: We surround ourselves with people who care about us and support us. We talk to God, reach out to churches, connect with friends, and stay grounded in our faith. We will find our way through, together.
Eliminating Challenges: We stay out of the negative thoughts of worry and rumination and stay present. The best way to stay present is by doing. By taking action.

Resources for Support
If you or someone you know needs immediate help call 988 or text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor at the Crisis Text line. Find more support at theshinehopecompany.com/get-support.
Even in the face of destruction, there is room for renewal and growth. Where there has been destruction, there will be new life. California – you will shine bright again.
Keep Shining Hope,
Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
CEO & Chief Hope Officer, The Shine Hope Company
Author of The Biggest Little Book About Hope
Founder of International Foundation for Research and Education on Hope (iFred)
Creator of Hopeful Cities, and Hopeful Minds
Creator of Hopeful Mindsets Overview, Hopeful Mindsets in the Workplace Overview, and Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Course
Podcast host of The Hope Matrix
Chief Mood Officer, The Mood Factory (taking a break, for hope!)