Hopebeat Weekly: September 3, 2024
Hopelessness is Impacting Cities
In this issue of the Hopebeat Weekly, we’re diving deep into stories, strategies, and science behind hope—how it can transform cities. It only takes a spark of hope to start a movement. Join us and let’s activate hope together.
Hopelessness Is Impacting Cities
Hopelessness is the single predictor of violence and suicide, and is the primary symptom of depression and a key symptom of anxiety. Hopelessness often leads to mental health challenges, violence, addiction, and a host of other issues that can take a toll on a city’s well-being. The impact of hopelessness is substantial, see our full research about Hope and Hopelessness here.
Activate Hope In Your City
With hope, your city can work toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set forth by the United Nations to transform our world. Are you ready to make a positive change in your community? Join us in the initiative to activate Hopeful Cities®, ensuring everyone understands what hopelessness is and how to activate skills for hope.
Hopeful Cities® is equipping cities around the world with the tools they need to create, maintain, and grow hope, citywide. The program works to Activate hope in your community through six key areas: education, government, science, healthcare, art, and the workplace.
The City of Las Vegas is the latest city to join the Hopeful Cities movement and they have been making great progress so far! Check below highlights in Hopeful Cities Las Vegas!
Speaking of Las Vegas, in the latest episode of The Hope Matrix Podcast, I sit down with Will Rucker, a passionate advocate for compassion and hope in the City of Las Vegas. Will is the Community Health Director at Intermountain Health and host of A Healthier Tomorrow radio program and Compassionate Las Vegas – The Podcast. He shares his personal journey through challenges, emphasizes the importance of compassion, and offers practical tips from the Shine Hope™ framework.
This episode is a powerful reminder of the grace we should extend to ourselves and others as we navigate life’s ups and downs. Be sure not to miss it! Listen to the full podcast episode here.
Shining Hope With South Africa Teachers
This amazing group of teachers from Chipochashe School in Zimbabwe, South Africa just completed their Hopeful Minds training last week! We are thrilled for their students to learn how to Shine Hope with these dedicated teachers and the Hopeful Minds program. A huge thanks to Gard Jameson and Moses Machipisa for their support in making this training possible. Reach out to activate@theshinehopecompany.com to get Shine Hope training or to activate hope in your school!
September Is The World Suicide Prevention Month
As we observe World Suicide Prevention Month this September, it’s crucial to recognize the power of hope in saving lives. Suicide is a global issue, but with collective effort, awareness, and the right tools, we can make a difference. This month, let’s unite to break the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage those who are struggling to reach out for help. Remember, hope isn’t just an abstract concept—it’s a tangible force that can lead to meaningful change. Visit our resource page and share it with those in need.
Did You Know
Did you know that hope plays a crucial role in suicide prevention? Research shows that cultivating hope can reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors. By fostering a hopeful mindset, we empower individuals to envision a brighter future and seek help when they need it most (Schrank et al., 2008; Kleiman & Beaver, 2013). Find out more research on hope.
Featured Reels
Cool Reads:
Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success – Beginning where resilience ends, David B. Feldman, one of the experts in our Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Course, and Lee Daniel Kravetz, look beyond the tenets of traditional psychology for a deeper understanding of the strength of the human spirit. What they have found flies in the face of conventional wisdom—that positive thinking may hinder more than help; that perceived support can be just as good as the real thing; and that realistic expectations may be a key to great success. Get a copy of this book.
Team Updates:
To activate hope in your city with our Hopeful Cities® program, or on your college campus, contact Rick at rick@theshinehopecompany.com. Rick Yang is a member of our team who will be attending Harvard this fall. You can also get to know more about Rick and read his Shine Hope Story here.
Keep Shining Hope,
Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
CEO & Chief Hope Officer, The Shine Hope Company
Author of The Biggest Little Book About Hope
Founder of International Foundation for Research and Education on Hope (iFred)
Creator of Hopeful Cities, and Hopeful Minds
Creator of Hopeful Mindsets Overview, Hopeful Mindsets in the Workplace Overview, and Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Course
Podcast host of The Hope Matrix
Chief Mood Officer, The Mood Factory (taking a break, for hope!)