Hopebeat Weekly: October 22, 2024

Navigating Breast Cancer and Miss Arkansas USA Shines Hope

In this issue of the Hopebeat Weekly, we’re exploring stories, strategies, and the science behind hope, including:

  • How to Eliminate Challenges to Hope
  • The Hope Matrix Episode #42, Navigating Breast Cancer
  • Writing Your Own Shine Hope Story
  • The Hope Matrix on Campus, Miss Arkansas USA and her Shine Hope Story
  • Hope Research
  • Cool Reads
  • Getting Social
  • Team Updates

Miss Arkansas USA shares her Shine Hope Story

We are excited to share with you episode #3 as host Avery Peel, sits down with Madeline Bohlman, Miss Arkansas USA. Avery and Madeline talk about the hardships of college, and Madeline shares her struggles with ADHD, anxiety, and being on the wrong medication for years. Madeline also shares tips and tricks as to how she found a balance between school, social life, sorority events, and being in the Miss Arkansas USA program. 

Tune in to listen to Miss Arkansas USA speak on her college experience at the University of Arkansas and how she got to where she is today. Listen to the full episode.

Eliminating Challenges 

The ‘E’ in the Five Keys to Shine Hope™ is “Eliminating Challenges”. These challenges are the negative thought patterns that get in the way of our ability to hope; rumination, internalizing failure, trying to control the uncontrollables, attaching to outcomes, worry, negative bias, and more. Sound familiar? These take us from hope to hopelessness pretty quickly.

It is why we must use Shine Hope Skills to navigate these challenges to Hope and intentionally practice cultivating Hopeful Mindsets™.

My biggest challenge is attaching to outcomes. I get my ‘hopes’ up for something to happen, and when it doesn’t I can have a hard time pivoting. It is why I am really intentional about using my Stress Skills like sensory engagement with my dog Yoda, walking, and deep breathing, as well as connecting to my higher power, when things don’t turn out how I might want. Intentional surrender.

It is why I also do the goal meditation audio regularly, to envision what I see, visualize multiple obstacles along the way, and find multiple ways to get over the obstacles before I even attempt the goal. It is based on two of our researchers’ work, Diane Dreher and Dave Feldman, proving out a hope intervention can be effective in as little as 90 minutes. Do you know we are more likely to achieve our goal if we go through that process, even if we don’t encounter those specific obstacles?

Amazing what a little pre-work can do to build our hope muscles.

And then, of course, I just focus on nonattachment. I actually make it an intentional practice to regularly give things away that I care about, so that I learn how to let go. I know that if what I want doesn’t happen, something better must certainly be on the way.

By eliminating challenges and embracing hope, we empower ourselves to navigate life’s ups and downs proactively. What are your favorite ways to eliminate challenges? Consider sharing with us on social media @theshinehopecompany or via email, as it is a great way to improve other’s lives. One of my favorite things in my workplace training is learning from employees on how they are navigating the many challenges they face in life. We are better together!

Hope on the Horizon: Navigating Breast Cancer to Shine Again

I am so excited to share that Ciara Byrne, co-founder of Green Our Planet and a resilient breast cancer survivor is featured on the episode #42 of The Hope Matrix Podcast. Ciara shares her journey of overcoming stage 2 breast cancer, the importance of a positive mindset, and community support. She also talks about Green Our Planet, a non-profit connecting students to nature through school gardens and hydroponics labs, currently reaching over 1,100 schools across 44 states and impacting more than 300,000 students. (also an amazing partner in Hopeful Cities!). Listen to the full podcast episode and read her full Shine Hope Story here.

Do you want to write your own Shine Hope™ Story?

If you haven’t yet, sign up for the My Shine Hope™ Story Course today! This mini-course (only $10!) offers easy-to-follow videos and a fillable template to guide you in crafting your powerful narrative. Reflect on the challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them using hope skills. By sharing your story, you empower yourself and others. Sign up now or gift to a friend!

Did You Know:

Boosting your hope can lead to a happier, less stressful life! Long et al. (2024)  revealed that having more hope not only boosts your brainpower and self-rated health but also lowers stress, depression, and leads to happier lives overall. Plus, it’s linked to being more active, satisfied parents, and even more likely to vote and volunteer as adults! Let’s keep the hope alive for a brighter, healthier future! Find out more research on hope.

Featured Reels

Cool Reads:

Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity to Overcome Depression

Learned Hopefulness by Dr. Dan Tomasulo, one of our Experts in the Hopeful Mindsets on the College Course, offers evidence-based exercises to help you identify strengths, ditch self-limiting beliefs, and increase your resilience. Learn to shift your perspective toward a more positive future. Get your copy today!

Team Updates:

Meet Stella Vance, our intern who has been dedicated to helping us on our mission to activate hope on campuses. We are excited for her studies abroad and her future opportunities for hope. Check out her Shine Hope Story and discover the journey that motivates her to spread hope. You might just be inspired to write your own!

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