Hopebeat Weekly: October 10, 2023
Introducing Hopeful Minds for Teens
We celebrate World Mental Health Day today!
We are thrilled to introduce you to a program you have been asking for, Hopeful Minds for Teens! Tested and approved by teens, it is here just in time today as we celebrate World Mental Health Day and address the elevated rise in hopelessness among teens. We are so proud and excited to introduce this to you, we have been working around the clock to ensure it is just right, so teens are equipped with skills they need to overcome challenges and activate hope.
Our Chief Hope Officer, Kathryn Goetzke, talks about the need to teach everyone the ‘how to’ of hope and shares her work with the UN and WFMH at the Mommy Monday segment of Great Day @ 9a, Eye Witness News 3.
The ‘Hopeful Minds for Teens’ program is a 12-module workbook that introduces the Five Keys to SHINE Hope: Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges. This comprehensive approach empowers teens to navigate challenges, embrace positivity, and empower resilience. The workbook employs a peer-to-peer teaching style, encouraging both individual reflection and group discussions with interactive elements such as engaging activities, games, creative expressions, worksheets, and puzzles enhance the learning experience. It also meets the National Health Education Standards.

This is a program I wish I had when I was a teen, and it is everything I have learned through my lived experience, the loss of my father, my last 20 years in mental health and last 10 studying hopelessness and hope. All youth need to be taught these skills as they protect against violence, aggression, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and school dropouts, and with hopelessness at an all-time high, everyone must be taught. Hopelessness is learned, we are failing our kids with the rising numbers identifying with hopelessness and instead of solving the problem, we blame our kids. We must take responsibility, and start by teaching them ‘how’ to hope.
Leeyah, one of the teen contributors, shares her experience:
“I found the product to be insightful, lighthearted, and inspiring. Chock-full of visually entertaining diagrams, age-appropriate and engaging activities, as well as accurate and intriguing information on the matter of mental health! I am proud to have been a part of such an amazing and profound experience.”
With 57% of teen girls in the US alone experiencing persistent hopelessness, the time for ‘how to’ hope is now.
The ‘Hopeful Minds for Teens‘ program is available at the following online stores:
- The Shine Hope Company
- Shine Hope Store
- Ingramspark (for bookstores and retailers)
- iFred
- Hopeful Minds Website
- Amazon
- Ingramspark (for bookstores and retailers)
The program seeks sponsors to provide workbooks for classrooms in underserved communities.
The program’s development was made possible by the collaborative efforts of The SHINE Hope Company and the International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression Hope, with generous support from Paradigm Group, and Lisa and Jeff Gordon.
Get your copy today. And if inspired, feel free to share to anyone you know that might need it.
Thank you so much!
Keep Shining Hope,
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