Hopebeat Weekly: May 22, 2024
Hope IS a Strategy
There is a best-selling business book called “Hope is Not a Strategy.” Yet It is not based on hope science, it is based on hope as a ‘wish’. As you can imagine, it has made our work even more challenging, so I want to set the record straight.
Why is hope a strategy for the workplace? Especially as it relates to mental health? I’ll take a play from one of my favorite comedians David Letterman, and give it to you in a Top 10 List.
What do you think? Is hope a strategy?! If you are convinced, reach out, as we need your creativity and brilliance to activate hope in your workplace and community. We need all hands on deck for hope, including yours.
Interestingly enough, I started this through my company, The Mood Factory, and have since put that company to the side (I will get back someday!) because to me, there is nothing more important than teaching everyone ‘how’ to hope. Hopelessness predicts suicide. Hope is teachable. Suicide is preventable.
And it’s funny how life comes full circle, as my guest this week on The Hope Matrix Podcast is someone who cast me in the ‘Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Show‘ where I pitched and won money for my company, The Mood Factory. I reconnected with him recently, shared what I am doing with The Shine Hope Company, and wow.
As he has had quite a journey since we last worked together. He had a HEART TRANSPLANT!!! I can’t even believe it. So I’d like to introduce you to Jon (same spelling as my dad), who shares how he has applied the Shine Hope framework to recover on his journey. It’s pretty extraordinary—Jon is Shine Hope in action. He is a film producer, entrepreneur, and managing partner of Level 2 Partners LLC, and living testament to why we must teach all hope
So take a listen, and let me know what you think. If all goes well, maybe we will even work together on a show for hope. What do you think?!
Keep Shining!
Kathryn Goetzke, MBA
CEO & Chief Hope Officer, The Shine Hope Company
Author of The Biggest Little Book About Hope
Founder of International Foundation for Research and Education on Hope (iFred)
Creator of Hopeful Cities, and Hopeful Minds
Creator of Hopeful Mindsets Overview, Hopeful Mindsets in the Workplace Overview, and Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Course
Podcast host of The Hope Matrix
Chief Mood Officer, The Mood Factory (taking a break, for hope!)
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Events and Engagements
We are thrilled to announce that our Chief Hope Officer and CEO, Kathryn Goetzke, will be speaking at the GlobalMindEd 10th Anniversary Conference in Denver this June 17-19! She will be sharing that all we are doing to activate hope on campuses and in schools around the world. GlobalMindED’s Global Classroom Sessions gather leaders from across the country and world to address challenges and opportunities concerning learning and earning, mentoring and global skills. Find out more.
Email activate@theshinehopecompany.com if you’d like to invite us to speak at your event.
Thoughts from our Program Users
“I found the [Hopeful Minds Teen Hopeguide] to be insightful, lighthearted, and inspiring. Chock-full of visually entertaining diagrams, age-appropriate and engaging activities, as well as accurate and intriguing information on the matter of mental health! I am proud to have been a part of such an amazing and profound experience.”
– Leeyah, Teen Contributor
Moments of Hope Cards Quotes
Share the gift of hope with our Moments of Hope Cards. These pocket-sized educational cards feature inspiring hope quotes on one side and tips on how to Shine Hope on the other. Give to friends, family members, at work, and in the community. Turn your next moment with another into a Moment of Hope. Get your copies now.
Measure Your Hope
Most people don’t realize there is a Science of Hope. That you can measure it. And through our work, we have shown you can teach it. The first step in understanding your hope, is seeing how hopeful you are. Check out our free validated hope scale today.
Hopeful Cities Activations
Find out which cities are committed to activating Hope and get access to our resources to Shine Hope. Learn more.
Shine Hope Skills Research
Check out the Shine Hope Infographic to start learning the Five Keys to Shine Hope. Once you download, you’ll find clickable links so you can learn more about each of the skills we talk about in the Shine Hope framework. Download your copy.