Our ability to effectively manage and adapt to these times determines our success as a society. We have shown through our work that hope is teachable, and hope is a protective factor for anxiety and depression so by increasing hope, we decrease the likelihood of anxiety and depression.

Research has shown hope predicts:
- College retention, a key indicator of school ratings and funding support.
- Second-semester enrollment above and beyond high school academic performance among first-semester college students.
- Objective academic achievement above intelligence, personality, or previous academic achievement.
- Increased productivity, resiliency, and health.
- Athletic outcomes beyond the athlete’s training history, self-esteem, confidence, and mood.
Thus, we created a curriculum to enhance Hope skills in college students, allowing them to find a way from hopelessness to Hope, and be equipped with the tools to succeed in college.
Our college activations include the following for hope:
- 10 online video and text lessons.
- Guided coursebook with exercises and reflections.
- Facilitator Guide to run groups, in classes, in dorms, or other communities
- Full on campus marketing campaign with CANVAS page outline with suggested campus-specific resources to list on the program page.
In addition, we have downloadable materials for you to start activating:
- Hope Score measures
- Posters
- 5-Day Social Media Challenges
- International Day of Hope Campaigns
Initial research conducted at Arizona State University said approximately 70% of students who took the Hopeful Mindset College course were very or extremely engaged in the course and 50% stated that they were more engaged in the Hopeful Mindset course than any of their other classes. Initial research suggests for hope, the control group showed a decline in hope levels from pre-test to post-test and the HM students showed an increase in hope scores, and for anxiety, the control group showed an increase, and the HM students showed a decrease.
We want to help you activate hope that provides your students with the tools they need to believe in the future whose foundation they’re building within your walls.
Reach Out
We activate campuses on hope by licensing a 10-module evidence-based Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus course, creating full-scale marketing campaigns, measuring hope on campus, conducting research, teaching leadership on the science of hope, offering Hopeful Mindsets Overview to staff, speaking at events, consulting on how to create a campus culture of hope, and engaging your campus with teaching your community and youth. Want to activate your campus in one, several, or all of those ways? Get in touch at activate@theshinehopecompany.com.