KOLO8 News – Interview for International Day of Hope 2023

The International Foundation of Research and Education on Depression (iFred) is a 501(c)3 organization based in Reno that is working to teach hope around the world. iFred has worked to shine a positive light on mental health and eliminate stigma through prevention, research and education and created a shift in society’s negative perception of the disease through positive imagery, rebranding, celebrity engagement, cause marketing campaigns, and establishing the sunflower and color yellow as the international symbols for hope.

The organization’s founder and the author of The Biggest Little Book about HopeKathryn Goetzke, along with Hope Activator, Kristen Jaskulski, stopped by Morning Break to share how they believe hope is something that can be taught and learned, and that training people to hope is the key to lowering depression, anxiety and suicide rates.

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